
Showing posts from June, 2015

Banded Glossy Ibis resight

Back on May 14th I observed a banded Glossy Ibis in Clinton, CT,  part of a flock of about 95 Glossy Ibis and one White-faced Ibis. I just heard back from the bander at NYC Audubon, who has informed me that the bird was banded as a chick at Jamaica Bay, NY on June 17, 2010. banded Glossy Ibis  - NB

NC & VA birds and bear

On my way home from the Outer Banks yesterday I made a few midday stops in North Carolina and Virginia to kill some time so I would pass through NYC after rush hour. While not the best time of day, I was able to catch up with some southern passerines and a Black Bear. Black Bear Black Bear Black Bear Prothonotary Warbler Summer Tanager Summer Tanager Zebra Swallowtail Zebra Swallowtail Prothonotary Warblers were common with many males singing even in the heat of the day. I did happen across two family groups, one of which included three begging juveniles. A couple of Yellow-throated Warblers were also in song, as was a Kentucky Warbler and Summer Tanager. I don't get to see these species often in Connecticut, so I particularly enjoyed them. Zebra Swallowtails, a butterfly that does not occur in CT, were also around in numbers.  - NB

Hatteras Pelagics - June 5-7, 2015

Just wrapped up a three-day weekend of pelagics with Brian Patteson and Kate Sutherland out of Hatteras, NC (AKA Pterodroma Alley). We had a really fun three days at sea, starting somewhat slowly on Friday followed by a great Saturday and Sunday. It was windy on all three days, which is generally great for seabirds but poor for spotting cetaceans; this held true for us. Seabird list: TRINDADE PETREL (dark morph) Black-capped Petrel (dark-faced and white-faced types) Cory's Shearwater (including several "Scopoli's" Shearwaters) Great Shearwater Audubon's Shearwater Wilson's Storm-Petrel Leach's Storm-Petrel Band-rumped Storm-Petrel (molting and non-molting individuals) Pomarine Jaeger Parasitic Jaeger Bridled Tern Arctic Tern Cetaceans were represented only by Offshore Bottlenose Dolphins. Trindade Petrel (dark morph) Trindade Petrel (dark morph) Trindade Petrel (dark morph) Black-capped Petrel Black-capped Petrel ...