First off, if reading that subject line makes you think of this guy , you're not alone. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you're a better person than I... For something like the fourth winter in a row, an Ivory Gull has appeared in the northeastern US. These recent records include Massachusetts (3), Rhode Island (2), New Hampshire (1), New York (1), and New Jersey (1). But there's one coastal state that has been skipped...Connecticut! The recent discovery of yet another adult, this one in Georgia, combined with all the recent adult records makes one realize that things are not going well for the species in the high arctic. Not that we need circumstantial evidence to see this, because a decline has been well documented . But it starts to hit home when you see the effects first-hand. These birds are likely starving and roaming around in search of food. It's no surprise that they only settle into specific areas when food (fish/bird carcasses) is located. adul...