*Happy Mew Gull Day 2017!* - Kamchatka Gull and Thayer's-type thing

Happy Mew Gull Day, everybody. America's new favorite holiday, narrowly edging out Festivus. I realized last year, after a two Mew Gull day , that all three Mews I had found in CT happened to fall on March 20th. Odd. So this year I made a point of gulling on the same date. Fully aware that I was introducing observer bias, I was still shocked when one appeared. And the kicker - of those four March 20th birds, three subspecies have been involved (two canus, one brachy, one Kam). I didn't look any harder for Mew Gull today than I do on any other gull excursion, of which there are many at this time of year...yet today was still the day I ran into one. Pretty great coincidence. I actually think this might be the same Kamchatka Gull from April 2015 (which, as it turns out thanks to photo review, had been seen on Nantucket earlier that winter and likely the winter before too! Very cool to track vagrants like that.). At first glance it looks pretty identical overall, except that ...