unidentified first-cycle gull

UPDATE 4/2/09: I've received quite a bit of input on this bird from gull-watchers with experience with both European Herring and Vega Gulls. Most feel that this bird would fit in with a flock of "Old World" Herring Gulls if it were seen on the other side of either ocean. However since we aren't sure what smithsonianus is capable of, no one (including myself) is willing to put a name on this bird. Maybe time will tell, but for now it remains unidentified. In the photos below I have illustrated some of the pro-"Old World" features of this bird: ORIGINAL POST: While birding Milford Pt a few days ago, this bird was among the several thousand gulls present. More photos, and their original sizes, click HERE . If anybody has thoughts on it, please let me know. - NB