Greylag Goose in CT

On Feb 22, 2009 Greg Hanisek found a wild-type Greylag Goose in Wallingford, CT. The Wallingford area farm fields and reservoirs have been a haven for Greenland geese over the years (including several Canadas banded in Greenland, several Greenland Greater White-fronted Geese, and Barnacle Goose).

Several aspects of this sighting are intriguing, hinting that we should take a close look at this bird and the possibilty that it may be a wild occurence. Here are some photos.

- NB


  1. Went for the insurance policy then eh ;)

  2. I hope it wasn't the same bird eating crackers today!

  3. Can't wait for that ARCC meeting....

    1. Hi Nick,

      I saw this goose at that location on March 16, 2009. What was the final decision of the ARCC? Thanks, Rene Laubach

    2. Hi Rene, the ARCC accepted the record.

  4. This goose, or somethng quite similar, has been hanging out with a group of Canada Geese on Highland Lake in Winsted of a week or 10 days. I'll try and get a picture. I'm trying to figure out exactly what it is (I see it daily).


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