CAS trip to Ecuador (Nov 2013)
Over the next year I'll be leading or co-leading a few overnight tours for Connecticut Audubon Society. I will keep links to these trips in the sidebar to the right. Join us for high quality birdin g, culture, and great fun ! Nonmembers from anywhere in the world are welcome of course! Ecuador's Highlands! November 16-25, 2013 Visit the High Barren Plains, Highland Rainforest, Paramo, Cloud Forest, and Tropical Rainforest eco-systems . St ay at lodges located inside private reserves ! Lodges are environmentally friendly and offer outstanding services. With over 1,0 0 0 species of birds (60 species of hummingbird ) and 300 varieties of orchids, this itinerary offers plenty for birders and photographers. The biodiversity here is stunning. Immers e yourself in all that is Ecuador! For more information, check out the CAS EcoTravel website and call the office for a brochure! [Update 8/27/13 - This trip has MANY spaces left and is in danger of not going. Of my three over...