Willard's Island Morning Flight Update
This past weekend I spent both mornings monitoring Morning Flight at the north tip of Willard's Island inside Hammonasset Beach State Park. On the heels of a strong cold front, birds would be moving. The flights were reasonably productive relative to other regional Morning Flight locations, so I have hope that this site will prove to be a reliable location to observe this phenomenon to some degree when the weather is right. Time will tell. Saturday (9/19) was the better day. From 630-930am, 420 individual warblers flew out the north tip of Willard's (2.33 birds/minute). Twelve species of warbler flew out, the best being one CONNECTICUT WARBLER. Northern Parula was the most common warbler. Forty-six Flickers were on the move too. It was a slow but steady movement throughout the entire time period. Nearly all birds seen were solely in flight, as I positioned myself too far from the trees/shrubs to see birds there. Identifications were made from a combination of field views and &