
Showing posts from April, 2017

CT Bobcat!

While birding up near the MA border in Norfolk, CT yesterday I was surprised to see this BOBCAT running directly towards me on a paved road. The cat paused to check me out for a moment before scampering into the woods. Definitely an unexpected sighting, especially in the middle of the road at 10am! subtle spotting on the legs I think this is about my third New England Mountain Lion...err...I mean, Bobcat, in CT. They're generally secretive, and they must be more common in the northwest corner than where I usually hang out near the coast. My first CT Black Bear still eludes me, however!  - NB

Plankton & Gulls by Boat

For some time I've wanted to get on the water to experience the annual Long Island Sound gull-plankton phenomenon, but I never really had late winter access to a boat until 2016. Still, last year I was a bit late and didn't get in the water until mid-April, which ended up being a few days late for the event. This year was looking no better with a late-season blizzard and marina construction, both out of my control. But we got lucky with a break in the weather on a weekday I was was too good an opportunity to pass up. So I trailered the boat to the Birdseye Street ramp in Stratford for some LIS gull searching on Thursday morning (March 30th). Joining me were Virginia Parker, Larry Flynn, Frank Mantlik, and Tom Robben...the latter two representing the Connecticut Ornithological Association's Research Committee. Tom and Frank brought plankton collection equipment in hopes of finding a flock of birds in the act of feeding. We were hopeful despite the low numb...

Mar 28 - New Hampshire

Virginia and I went on a quest to find her life SNOWY OWL, and the closest reliable bird(s) seemed to be along the New Hampshire coast. We targeted the Hampton Harbor area, where 1-2 Snowies had been seen recently. After an hour or two or checking marsh, beach, and jetty on both sides of the harbor, we stumbled across one perched atop a telephone pole along the main road to the south. Seemingly oblivious to passers-by, the bird kept a casual yet authoritative watch over its territory. Snowy Owl (photo by VP) With our quest met with such success so early in the day, we figured we would target a few other birds in the area that we wanted to see. Also in the neighborhood was an adult GLAUCOUS GULL, a big bruiser of a male it would seem, that has been wintering here for several years now. Much like the Snowy Owl above, it seemed to lord over its favorite parking lot along the harbor front. adult Glaucous Gull Our next move was to briefly jump over the state line in...