Time flies

Hard to believe we're a week into October. I haven't been birding much at all over the past month, as expected. However I'm going to try to make posts a bit more often. The content is going to shift from sightings and photos to general seasonal observations.

While I haven't been out in the field, I have kept up with regional reports thanks to birdingonthe.net. Just trying to live vicariously through all of you. We're really into a fantastic time of year in New England...sparrows will soon be dominating the birding (if not already), and the chance of a western vagrant increases by the day. So far Connecticut has been quiet but there have been some goodies in the region, such as Say's Phoebe in MA and Lark Bunting in NY. It's amazing how few Say's Phoebes we get in CT.

I just saw a report from Ontario owl banders stating that they have banded their first Boreal Owls in 4 years. This bodes well for a nice flight of the species this year. We'll see what develops.

Expect more random thoughts from me in the coming weeks.


  1. It's looking like California Gull could e lurking nearby


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