more Wilson's Petrels in CT

7/19 UPDATE: Andy Griswold captured some nice images of the petrels and posted them to his BLOG!
[end update]

This morning Glenn Williams, Jim Denham and I accompanied Andy Griswold on a boat ride into eastern Long Island Sound. We spent the bulk of our time mid-sound, just north of the 'state line.' Once we found a few Wilson's Storm-Petrels we threw out some menhaden oil, and before we knew it we had a handful of stormies pattering right behind the boat! Our high count at one time was 10 birds. The views were just spectacular...wish I had a real camera. Andy took a few shots with his SLR, and if he posts them to his blog I will be sure to set up a link.

The petrels were in 150+ feet of water near the middle of the sound, immediately south of Bell 4. This area is off the CT coast between Niantic Bay and the mouth of the Thames River. All but one of the birds were presumably molting adults; there was a single freshly-plumaged individual which was likely a bird hatched this past winter (during the southern summer).

- NB


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