Irene update #5

I must admit, I thought I was pretty much done with the Irene updates. But her effects continue to be felt in CT and surroundings. This evening brought a great combo of birds from Milford Pt, located at the mouth of the Housatonic River. Gull-billed Tern, Brown Pelican, American Avocet, and the continuing Black-necked Stilt were all enjoyed by many birders, I'm told.

Of special note, a Magnificent Frigatebird was reported this afternoon from the Connecticut River in Hanover, New Hampshire. If that bird follows the river southward, that would of course bring it through the state of Connecticut. Fingers crossed!

Otherwise, the past couple days have been highlighted by a couple moribund White-tailed Tropicbirds from the interior northeast and several Brown Pelicans kicking around the southern New England and Long Island coasts. Terns continue to linger, notably Royal, Sandwich, and Gull-billed.

Perhaps increased birder coverage this weekend will yield even more storm-related rarities.

 - NB


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