12 Jan 2014 - Hammo Iceland Gull

So this is my third consecutive post about Iceland Gulls. For that I apologize...

but this one's an adult at least!  Yay for adult white-winged gulls! A beautiful pale-winged adult "Kumlien's" Iceland Gull from Hammonasset Beach State Park in Madison, CT from a couple days ago, enjoyed by my self, Frank Gallo, Julian Hough, and Phil Rusch.

"What's that Nick? Three months and just three posts about Iceland Gulls to show for it? YAWN!!!! You post less often than Sibley these days! And you're not exactly working on a major field guide! What's your excuse??"

Starting next month I really do plan on getting back into the blogging thing. I've said that before and have failed before, but hopefully just another month of quiet here before getting back in the groove!

 - NB


  1. Heya, I heard you went to the Dominican Republic and are gonna write about that sometime!

  2. I haven't even eBirded that stuff yet!!


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