Late October CT birds

I've gotten out a bit here and there over the past week or so and have seen a few things worth mentioning.

Oct 23 - A strong raptor flight at Lighthouse Point in New Haven was highlighted by a GOLDEN EAGLE.

Golden Eagle

Oct 28 - A rainy day drive through Whirlwind Hill Road in Wallingford resulted in two CACKLING GEESE among a modest number of Canadas.

Cackling Goose #1

Cackling Goose #2...or is it? This one is more of a CACG/CANG tweener...

Oct 30 - Not a birdy day along the coast, but an ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER in East Haven was nice to see, as was the continuing injured/ill HUDSONIAN GODWIT in Stratford.

Hudsonian Godwit hobbling around the dock; swollen left leg and right foot

Orange-crowned Warbler

A "Yellow" Palm Warbler from the same location, for comparison

 - NB


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