Washington, late April

I found myself in Seattle for a conference about five weeks ago and worked in some birding around the lecture schedule. Time in the field was brief but productive! Here are some photos in no particular order.

Golden-crowned Sparrow

Leach's Storm-Petrel

Laysan Albatross

Laysan Albatross

Laysan Albatross

Pink-footed Shearwater

four tubenose species here

Black-footed Albatross

Northern Fulmar

Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel

Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel

Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel

Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel

Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel

Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel

Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel

Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel

chum slick

Pink-footed Shearwater

migrant shorebirds

migrant shorebirds

Western Sandpiper

Western Sandpiper

Western Sandpiper

migrant shorebirds

migrant shorebirds

Western Sandpiper

Western Sandpiper

Western Sandpiper

Marbled Godwits

Marbled Godwit

Glaucous Gull

Marbled Godwit

Golden-crowned Sparrow

Thayer's Gull with "Olympic" Gulls

 - NB


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