The World Series of Birding (Kind of)

The World Series of Birding, organized by New Jersey Audubon, has been a staple of the birding world for years. I have never participated, though my CT Big Day teammates are veterans of the annual May competition that is held throughout the entire state of New Jersey. This year's COVID pandemic has disrupted many Big Day plans, so NJ Audubon decided to open up the World Series to the entire Atlantic Flyway. "Teams" could consist of birders from Maine to Florida to Ohio, all birding their local patches to contribute to their team's total. I was really pleased to be a part of the Springwatch Swifts, based out of Cape May. Our goal is to raise funds vital for the continuation of spring migration monitoring at one of North America's most important bird study laboratories: Cape May, NJ.

If you can find some extra change to spare during these difficult financial times, please consider donating to The Springwatch Swifts!

Here are some photo highlights from today.

The wintering Harris's Sparrow at Hammonasset Beach State Park has become the springing Harris's Sparrow.

It has been joined by a White-crowned Sparrow.

This "Blue" Snow Goose was a good get along the Guilford coast.

This White-faced Ibis in Clinton is likely continuing in the area from last month.

 - NB


  1. Beautiful Harris's Sparrow photo, such a neat bird!

  2. Great finds, Nick! Good luck to you and your team.
    Greetings from Sri Lanka!


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