Upcoming CAS Trips

In 2011 I'm slated to lead or co-lead two overnight tours for Connecticut Audubon Society: one kinda close to home and one just a bit further abroad. They are as follows:

Baxter State Park (Maine) - June 16-19, 2011
Brazil's Pantanal - September 28-October 9, 2011

In June of 2010 I took a [mostly] solo whirlwind tour of Maine over just 4 1/2 days. I hit a few choice spots from the downeast coast to the far north to the heart of inland Maine. Baxter State Park lies in north-central Maine and boasts a fantastic diversity of breeding birds, with a few boreal specialties being of most interest to southern New Englanders. Boreal Chickadees and Gray Jays are fairly common in the right spots, and lucky birders may glimpse such highly sought-after species as Spruce Grouse or Black-backed Woodpecker. This trip will include stops on the way to and from Baxter, specifically for grassland birds at Kennebunk Plains and for breeding Black Terns at Messalonskee Lake. For my 2010 Maine trip report, which included Baxter SP for a day and a half, click HERE.

As I've mentioned in this space before, I co-lead CAS's 2010 trip to Brazil's Pantanal, and I'm thrilled to be returning in autumn 2011. There is so much to say about this trip that I'm tempted to ramble here, but if you're interested in visiting this place someday, whether with CAS or otherwise, check out my report from last year's trip. It was just phenomenal.

If you have any interest in either of these trips, check out the CAS EcoTravel website and give Andy a call for more info.

- Nick


  1. I read your post from Baxter SP... that sounded like an excellent day! Minus your camera... Hopefully you'll be moose-ready this time :)
    You saw three species in one day that I have yet to find - guess I'm in the wrong area! haha


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