CAS trip to Baxter State Park, Maine - June 2014

Over the next year I'll be leading or co-leading a few overnight tours for Connecticut Audubon Society. I will keep links to these trips in the sidebar to the right. Join us for high quality birding, culture, and great fun! Nonmembers from anywhere in the world are welcome of course!

June 26-29, 2014
Enjoy an escape that takes you to clear mountain waters, lakes abundant with native trout, and the brightest star-filled nights you’ve ever seen—all in the beautiful woods of Maine.
Visit the places where Frederic Church painted his landscapes of Mount Katahdin. Climb away from the busy world among the moose, carnivorous pitcher plants and sundew, orchids, and birds unique to this northern habitat. Northern species such as Bicknell’s Thrush, Three-toed Woodpecker, Black-backed Woodpecker, Gray Jay, Boreal Chickadee and Spruce Grouse are the targets. Breeding warblers may top 20 species, including the stunning Bay-breasted, Magnolia, and Wilson's.

For more information, check out the CAS EcoTravel website and call the office for a brochure!

 - NB


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