Willets, etc

Yesterday evening Julian Hough and I spent a couple hours walking out Sandy Point in West Haven, CT. It was a nice night to be out, and there were a good number of shorebirds around too. Even a bit of variety!!

A nice count of 12 Willets (9 juv Eastern, 3 juv Western) were a highlight. Red Knot and White-rumped Sandpiper can be scarce around here, so those were nice to see. And the first fresh juvenile peep of the year are always delightful.

"Western" Willet

"Western" Willet above left, "Eastern" Willet below right

"Western" Willet at left, "Eastern" Willet at right

an unusually faded juvenile "Western" Willet

Semipalmated Plover

White-rumped Sandpiper

White-rump in flight
 - NB


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