Impending nor'easter

UPDATE: John Oshlick worked hard to find a BLACK GUILLEMOT at Stonington Point, near the RI line. Unfortunately it was not chase-able.

ORIGINAL POST: I posted the following note to the CTBirds listserv earlier today.

"The strength and duration of the impending nor'easter may force some locally rare alcids into Long Island Sound. Winds will be sustained NE-ENE at 25mph+ for several hours Monday and Monday evening. It would be worth checking the coast [safely] during and after the storm for species such as Thick-billed Murre and Dovekie, which are especially prone to displacement during storms. Birds could turn up anywhere along the coast (or even, rarely, on an inland body of water), though your best bets are probably points of land that jut into LIS for birds that are actively moving/flying or sheltered coves/harbors for those that were exhausted by the storm.

Even after the storm passes, on Tuesday and even Wednesday, birders should be on the lookout. These pelagic birds, when exhausted, may even take shelter very close to shore or piers/jetties/breakwaters as they attempt to rebuild their strength before heading back to sea.

As usual, these pelagic birds' appearance in CT waters are very rare and never "expected," but this is a particularly good setup for such an event to occur, particularly since there were inshore sightings of these offshore species from eastern Massachusetts and Long Island last week.

On the other hand, if you actually want a decent shot at seeing any eastern alcid not named Razorbill, a trip to Cape Ann or Cape Cod during early-middle week would likely pay off.

Good luck!"

I have to work all week, but I may have a chance to get out and look myself for a couple hours before dark tomorrow and Tuesday. If I could, I'd be on the Cape. The sight of a Great Skua from land isn't out of the question!

 - NB


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