Black Tern, Pec Sand, White-rumps & camera update

We've reached the first week of June, and right on cue the number of bird reports are dwindling. But as far as I'm concerned, we're still in the middle of the best part of spring migration - shorebirds and terns. Right now certain coastal hotspots are teeming with these birds. This afternoon I walked out Sandy Point near low tide and quickly found a breeding plumaged Black Tern that was loafing around with many Leasts and a few Common Terns. I was able to get reasonably close...close enough to land a few quality photos. Also present were 4 White-rumped Sandpipers.

Black Tern at Sandy Point (several photos throughout this blog can be clicked to see a larger version)

Earlier in the day I stopped into the RR trail in Stratford just after high tide. The marsh was mostly flooded, so birds were scarce, but there was a late Pectoral Sandpiper among a dozen commoners. In another couple weeks we will be calling such birds early fall migrants.

Pec Sand in Stratford

I've now had the brand new Canon A590 IS for about a month now, and I'm finally starting to get a feel for digiscoping with it. Check out the Black Tern shots above, and the Least Tern photo below. Those are my two best shots on the blog I think; they're not bad for hand-held digiscoping. I would certainly recommend this camera to anyone. It's probably the best bang for the buck out there, for those of us on a budget. I bought through Amazon and had the camera with extra memory card within a week for $175 including shipping! You can't go wrong with that, can you? The expert digiscopers are starting to review it as well, with positive opinions so far. I would have to agree. Check out this forum for digiscoping:

In addition to the digiscoping, the ability to 'digibin' is very cool. I've been able to get identifiable shots of warblers in the woods, and it sure helps for documenting a rarity. The Lark Bunting from a couple weeks ago was only in view for 1-2 minutes and I was able to fire off several quick shots. I'm going to have fun with this. So far I suck with flying birds, but some practice should allow me to improve.

It looks like I have much of tomorrow free (I have the week off from school, for once), and I'll likely devote that to shorebirding in the rain if there's no lightening. Here's hoping for a great bird. After that, Kim and I will be spending Thurs-Sun at Lake George, NY. Then it's back to school for the summer...

- Nick


  1. Another good web site for discussion of digiscoping is BirdForum:

    Hopefully the long string for the link won't get mangled too badly.

  2. Thanks Roy, that's a great source of info.


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