Shorebirds and random thoughts

The spring shorebird migration is definitely winding down now. Numbers are much reduced from 10 days ago, but there is still good variety to be had. I spent the afternoon sweating at Sandy Pt and Milford Pt, tallying 14 shorebird species including a Whimbrel at Milford Pt. Sandy Point held a first-summer Common Tern, my first in this plumage this year.

Birders have noted a few hundred Laughing Gulls at Milford and Stratford, but there are literally just a handful at Sandy Point.

I wish the Mets didn't suck. This team has about as much life as a Tom Glavine fastball.

There were only 5 skimmers at Sandy Pt today, down from 16 a few days prior. Time will tell if any remain in the area to nest.

Our great run of southern and western rarities continues. Today Rollin Tebbetts found a Scissor-tailed Flycather along the perimeter fence at Bradley Airport. This is the first one in CT in several years. I guess I won't be attending my early classes tomorrow....



  1. At least the Mets must win more than once a week...

  2. not much more than that

    but surprisingly only 3.5 games out of first

    mariners/mets in new york starting tonight. felix versus johan should be fun to watch.


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