8/22 - South Beach

Here are some other images from South Beach on Friday. 21 species of shorebird were tallied on the day. I didn’t stumble across anything rare (except maybe a certain Dunlin subspecies and a hybrid, which I'll post in the coming days), but it was a spectacular afternoon to be out there. The temp was perfect, a slight breeze blowing, and the visibility was fantastic. I couldn’t tear myself away in time to catch the last ferry back, so I ended up walking instead. It was worth it, as thousands of shorebirds came in to roost.

A small portion of a large mixed flock

Western Sandpiper (center)

American Golden-Plover


White-rumped Sandpiper

White-rumped Sandpiper

From front to back: Black, Common, Roseate, Roseate

One of 23 Hudsonian Godwits

One of three Marbled Godwits

A mixed flock of godwits, yellowlegs, and more.



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