Big Day 2010

For the past handful of years I've made a habit of doing a statewide Big Day in Connecticut. The intensity of each effort has varied from year-to-year, as have my teammates. Team size has varied from 2 to 5. Here's what we've had:

2006 - May 25 - 157 species (team of 2)
2007 - May 20 - 173 species (team of 4)
2008 - May 26 - 169 species (team of 5)
2009 - May 24 - 177 species (team of 5)

The CT record is 186, if you're wondering.

So far we haven't been able to scout as much as we want to. This year might be worse than usual...everyone seems to be extra busy with work and/or family. Still, we're going, if only because it's just so damn fun to spend 24 hours birding at a staggering pace. We're shooting for May 23-24, which is later than desired, but that is dictated by our personal lives.

I just started a stretch of 12 consecutive days at work, which means my scouting contributions will be small (and blog posts infrequent). I'll try to get out before/after work on occasion.

- NB


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