22 Apr - WHITE-FACED IBIS at Hammonasset SP

It's late April and Glossy Ibis are moving up the east coast in good numbers. That means it's prime time to find a White-faced Ibis. Paul Fusco did just that on the afternoon of April 21st at Hammonasset Beach SP in Madison, CT.

White-faced Ibis have undergone quite an increase in the northeast over the past decade or so. For instance, Connecticut's first record came in May 1995 when Dave Provencher found an alternate adult at Hammonasset. The current bird constitutes the seventh state record, FIVE of which have come from Hammonasset SP during Apr-May. This is clearly the time and place to find them in CT. But really, any Plegadis ibis at any time of year should be scrutinized for White-faced characteristics.

I saw the bird with about 40 Glossies on the afternoon of the 22nd at the restoration marsh and later at Swan Pond. Not the brightest WFIB I've ever seen. At first glance I wondered aloud if the bird could be a hybrid, but after some study and seeing the bird's pink facial skin, red eye, white wrapping around the back of the eye, red legs, and bronzy upperpart sheen I'm happy with the ID.

Here are a few marginal photos:

White-faced Ibis @ Hammonasset SP, Madison, CT, 22 Apr 2011

- Nick


  1. Nick, I found three white-faced ibis in Mystic between the train station and the turntable RR bridge (I work for Amtrak - all my sightings are trackside) on 7/12

  2. Hi, do you have any further details on this sighting? Three at one time would be remarkable. Were there any Glossy Ibis present?



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