Quinnipiac Valley CBC

I participated in the QV CBC yesterday, with my area covering the downtown Wallingford vicinity plus a small part of the eastern, more rural, part of town. Despite a good deal of effort and scouting, yesterday was not my day. A few common species I had scouted out did not cooperate. The woods and edges were dead. Large Canada Goose flocks held nothing different. Best birds were probably American Pipit, Horned Lark, Belted Kingfisher, and Great Blue Heron. It was my dullest CBC count ever, but it was still fun to help count the birds in my newish neighborhood. Perhaps next year will be birdier here.

As far as I know, the count highlight was a nice flock of WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILLS found by Chris Loscalzo in Durham.

Next up for me: Stratford-Milford (my favorite local count).

- NB


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