Just Announced! Sept 27 & 28 Overnight Pelagic out of Cape Cod!

This trip was just announced by the Brookline Bird Club, right on the heels of another fantastic overnight August pelagic:

The same overnight trip that has become so reliable for White-faced Storm-Petrel and has produced so many rarities including Barolo Shearwater is being offered for a second time this year...on the weekend of Sept 27 & 28.

See the below message from organizer Ida Giriunas. Note that the date to reach our minimum signup number is Sept 6th. Usually the annual August overnighter sells out faster than a Britney Spears concert circa 2001, with a long waiting list, but this might be a different story since it is being announced relatively last-minute as far as these things go.


We have an opportunity to rerun the recent very successful Extreme August Pelagic trip at the end of September. The birds seen in August were the White-faced Storm-petrel, Black-capped Petrel, Red-billed Tropicbird, dozens of Audubon's shearwaters, a few Band-rumped storm-petrels, a few Leach's Storm-petrels and a SOUTH POLAR SKUA as well as our common shearwaters, jaegers and phalaropes. Also seen was a WHALE SHARK and a TIGER SHARK.. We have Master birders such as Jeremiah Trimble, Marshall Iliff, Nicholas Bonomo, Mark Faherty, Luke Seitz, etc. leading our trips.
Our boat, the HELEN H, is a very comfortable, fast, 100 foot fishing boat with a knowledgeable and enthusiastic Captain and crew. We use gallons of chum to attract the birds.. There are 38 bunks aboard which will be available to the first 38 who sign up. There is a full galley with excellent food at reasonable prices.
Parking is free.

Please let us know if you would be interested. We need enough people registered by 9/6 to plan to do so. So, if you want to join us, contact Ida Giriunas at ida8@verizon.net
(781-929-8772) for further information and waiver forms.

September 27,28, 2014 Hyannis to Hydrographer, Veaches, Atlantis Canyon area:

5:30 AM Saturday - 6PM Sunday

for WHITE-FACED STORM PETREL, Band-Rumped and Leach's Storm-Petrel, 5 Shearwater species (including possible BAROLO), 3 Jaeger species, terns, gulls and sea ducks, possible Tropicbird, bridled tern, other rarities.

Cost: $295 BBC Members, $310 non-members.

Ida Giriunas

For the Brookline Bird Club"

 - NB


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