Nov 1 - SNOWY OWL, Golden Eagle, etc

A great day of birding the New Haven area from mid-morning til the evening. Sadly, no photos of any of these great birds.

The bird of the day was a SNOWY OWL that moved through Lighthouse Point this afternoon on the heels of a weak-to-moderate cold front. Given the number of early reports to our north, this should be the first of many Snowy Owls in Connecticut this autumn/winter.

Earlier in the day I got on a distant juv GOLDEN EAGLE that nobody else really saw too well. Unfortunate, but I'll take it!! There was also a handful of Bald Eagles seen today, including a group of 3 young birds in view at once. We hit over 150 raptors for the day.

Passerines continually passed overhead. These included Pine Siskin, Purple Finch, Horned Lark, American Pipit, Eastern Bluebird, and hundreds of Cedar Waxwings.

An evening walk out Sandy/Morse Pt produced 1 SNOW BUNTING, 2 LAPLAND LONGSPUR, 10 Horned Lark, and 1 Eastern Meadowlark.

A great (and warm!) afternoon of November birding!

- Nick


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