"Fall" migration begins

On July 2, a trip to Sandy Point in West Haven, CT revealed a flock of 13 Least Sandpipers. These are the first southbound shorebirds I've seen, and they're right about on time.

2 of thirteen Least Sandpipers

The first of these "fall" migrants typically arrive in Connecticut around the Fourth of July. The first few species that can confidently be called fall migrants are usually Least Sandpiper, Lesser Yellowlegs, and Short-billed Dowitcher. But once the games begin, pretty much anything can show up.

Things got started a bit early on South Beach in Chatham, MA when Blair Nikula found a RED-NECKED STINT on June 27th. Other presumed southbound birds at SB included 3 Hudsonian Godwits (common at this location).

My first sighting of fall shorebirds is always a nice moment, as it signifies the start of what is likely my favorite 6-8 weeks of the year.

- NB


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