Guilford, CT Parasitic Jaegers

The Year of the PAJA in CT continues.

Before this year, I had seen four Parasitic Jaegers in my 15+ years of Connecticut birding. After today, I have seen five over just the past two months. This is thanks to the absurd amount of baitfish, particularly small baits predated by terns and Laughing Gulls, that has been in Long Island Sound this summer and fall. The baitfish lead to gulls and terns, and the gull/tern flocks attract jaegers.

During a typical year Common Tern numbers drop drastically in Long Island Sound with the first cold front after Labor Day, or thereabouts. Laughing Gulls really drop off during October. THIS YEAR, thanks to all that food around, Common Tern flocks lasted well into October, and Laughing Gull numbers right now are just ridiculous.

Late this morning two PARASITIC JAEGERS, an adult and a juvenile type were seen from Guilford, CT.

juvenile type Parasitic Jaeger

juvenile type Parasitic Jaeger
Here's hoping for a continued abundance of life in Long Island Sound! We could get used to this.

 - NB


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