11/17 Landfill & 11/18 Hammo

Home sweet home! My first visit to the Windsor-Bloomfield Landfill of this gull season was uneventful as compared to last year's first visit. In fact, it really was last year's early Slaty-back that motivated me to make an earlier visit this year. However this time the only bird of note was an adult Lesser Black-backed. I can even say pretty confidently that there we no weird Herring Gulls that made me scratch my head. Still looking forward to that first white-winged gull of the season.

Lesser Black-backed Gull

The highlight of a 11/18 walk through the campground at Hammo was a flock of 3 Baltimore Orioles. Only one of the birds, an adult male, was in view for very long.

Baltimore Oriole

And here's a nice shot of Manhattan from Long Island Sound just behind the Norwalk Islands, taken at sunset after an afternoon of jigging bass and blues in the sound with Larry Flynn.

- NB


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