May 28 - History at Hatteras

Our final day of pelagics into the Gulf Stream off Hatteras, NC was record setting. Unfortunately it wasn't exactly the sort of record we were hoping for. It was the first spring/summer trip on which Black-capped Petrel was not recorded.

Things were quite slow for most of the day, as you might have imagined. We did have many Audubon's and Cory's Shearwaters, plus a few Great Shearwaters and Pomarine & Parasitic Jaegers. Storm-petrel numbers were low for the second consecutive day.

The highlight of the day was a great look at Cuvier's Beaked Whale (photos).

- NB


  1. Love the Great Shearwater photo, and look forward to seeing the rest of your pics. Nice to meet you, and sorry that you weren't there the next day.

  2. Thanks Richard, was great to meet you and your gang from Georgia as well. Bummer that we missed the Fea's but glad you were able to enjoy it! Contact me if you're ever birding up this way.

  3. Will do, and likewise, let me know if you're ever in the Atlanta/Athens area and looking to bird. If it's any consolation, the trip they took the day after we left the Outer Banks was probably the best of the season so far (Fea's and Trinidade, Masked Booby, Euro Storm-Petrel). Oh well, it's nice to have a reason to get back out there.


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