20 Jan 2013 - Hoary Redpoll in CT

I had really, really good intentions on spending significant time in the field studying redpolls this winter. So far I've spent a combined three hours doing so. Lucky for me there *should* still be a few good weeks of redpoll watching left, although feeder reports seem to have tapered in recent days. Carolyn Sedgwick and I were very glad to visit a friend's backyard last month in search of the Hoary Redpoll(s) he and his wife had been hosting for several days. Our two-hour vigil turned up one obvious Hoary and fleeting glimpses at a couple of less obvious likely Hoaries.

Here are photos of the "easy" bird.

bottom left bird

wings spread on the left

showing undertail coverts

Hoary Redpoll

Note the following:
 - pale (AKA hoary) ground color, especially to the back
 - less streaking on sides
 - rump with minimal streaking
 - hairline streaks on undertail coverts
 - shorter, "pushed-in" bill
 - smaller red "poll"
 - tapered outer rectrices indicate a first-year bird

If I have time I'll post photos of a few more interesting redpolls from the same day.

 - NB


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