Brazil's Pantanal - 15 Oct (Day 3)

We began Day 3 the way we ended Day 2: with a boat ride on the Rio Claro. This time, we took a one-way cruise to a trailhead that eventually led back to the lodge by foot.

sunrise on the Rio Claro

While on the river we spotted a Caimen randomly positioned in the middle of the river. When we stopped to take a look, the beast saw us and decided to come closer...

and closer...

and closer...

and a little too close...

This curious Caimen came right up to our little flat-bottomed boat and actually bumped it with his snout. Us passengers, slightly intimidated by the boldness of this reptile, really enjoyed the photo ops.

And like THAT...(poof)...he's gone! (queue Kevin Spacey)

The rest of the ride was relatively uneventful. The forest held a few new passerines, including BLUE-CROWNED TROGON, Pale-crested Woodpecker, Great Antshrike, MATO GROSSO ANTBIRD, and Red-billed Scythebill.

After lunch back at the lodge we packed into the van and began our afternoon drive to Porto Jofre. Along the way we ran into a few nice roadside birds including SCARLET-HEADED BLACKBIRD. We spotted a few MARSH DEER as the habitat became a bit wetter and more lush.

Scarlet-headed Blackbird

Marsh Deer

nesting colony of Crested Oropendolas

We stopped at a former park headquarters to stretch our legs and see what was around. We had nice looks at Yellow-collared Macaws and Blue-fronted Parrots here.

Blue-fronted Parrot

One of the trip participants spotted a mussurana (snake) in the midst of downing a frog:

After observing that cool event, we made the remaining drive to Porto Jofre.

Night at Hotel Porto Jofre.

- NB


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