Brazil's Pantanal - 19 Oct (Day 7)

An early morning walk around the Pousada Piuval property got us a handful of new trip birds, with RED-LEGGED SERIEMA and HELMETED MANAKIN being the highlights.

Helmeted Manakin

Savanna Hawk

After breakfast we waved goodbye to the Pantanal and headed for our next destination, known for its Harpy Eagle nest. The eagles are not currently nesting, but an 18-month old immature bird is still frequenting the nest site, giving us a decent chance of seeing one. On our drive in we were surprised to have great roadside views of three RED-WINGED TINAMOUS. Around the nest site we had RED-AND-GREEN MACAWS, Dusky-headed Parakeet, Blue-headed Parrot, BLACK-TAILED TROGON, and LETTERED ARACARI. A couple of SPIDER MONKEYS were vocalizing from the distant canopy.

Red-winged Tinamou

Lettered Aracari

Red-and-green Macaws

Plumbeous Kite

Spider Monkey

As dusk approached we began to lose a bit of hope with the eagle. However Giuliano spotted the magnificent bird flying in with prey hanging from its talons. We would return the following morning for better looks at this highly sought-after species.

The nest tree is the large tree in the left of the image

Harpy Eagle!

Night at Currupira das Araras.

- NB


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