Brazil's Pantanal - 22 Oct (Day 10)

On our last day we had time for a few hours of birding before heading to Cuiaba for our flights home. First stop was to the cerrado, followed by a waterfall observation tower. In these final few hours we were still adding new trip birds in the form of Small-billed Tinamou, Blue-winged Macaw, COLLARED CRESCENTCHEST, Rufous-winged Antshrike, Rusty-backed Antwren, the recently-described CHAPADA FLYCATCHER, and White-rumped Tanager.

Collared Crescentchest

Rusty-backed Antwren

White-eared Puffbird

It wouldn't be a trip to the Pantanal without a photo of a Rufous Hornero, a ubiquitous ovenbird we saw every day. One look at the photo will show you where the 'ovenbird' name comes from.

Rufous Hornero

So that concluded our fantastic tour of the Pantanal & vicinity! Our flight left Cuiaba around 1:30pm, bound for Hartford via Sao Paolo and Dallas.

- Nick


  1. Wow Nick!

    That sounds like an incredible trip! I hope I can go on tours in the tropics like these one day.

    James Purcell


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